B2B SaaS Website Revamp Process & Deliverables

Learn how we help you increase the conversion rate of your B2B SaaS website through incremental improvements.
Stages of the B2B SaaS Website Revamp
We adjust phases and their sequence based on what you’ve already done and your needs.
Strategy phase
It is a phase where we plan WHAT we need to do to achieve your goals based on the data & assets you have.
Stage 1

Discovery & Audit

Identify problems with the website that keep you from reaching your business objectives and figure out how to solve them.
We learn more about your business and what you’re trying to achieve. And then analyze your website and customer journey to find problems holding you back.

Without a clear understanding of the problem to solve, a website redesign is just an expensive art rather than a business investment.

Business Requirements & Product

Before identifying problems with the website, we first need to understand your product and business.

To do this, we gather information through product demo calls, stakeholder interviews, and intake forms.

Here’re some of the questions we’re looking to answer in the process:

What’s your product, and how does it work?
Who’s your target audience?
What’s the unique value proposition of the product?
How is your product better than alternatives?
What business goals you’re trying to achieve?
What business problems you’re trying to solve?
Where are people coming from to your website?
Who’s your target audience?
CTOs in Development Shops
CTOs in B2B SaaS Startups
What are the main alternatives?
Where are visitors coming from?
Cold outreach
Organic search
Google Paid Ads
Organic LinkedIn Content
What are the 1st pages they land to?
Product page
Feature pages
Blog posts
What are the business objectives?
Increase the number of inbound leads
Lower CAC from the paid ads
Introduce new products on the website without confusing customers.
Expand to the UK market
What problems you’re looking to solve?
Customers sign up for the wrong product
Low conversion into the demo call
CAC is too high for paid media

Analytics Data

Once we understand your business goals clearly, we look at the analytics to find problem areas in the customer journey.

Data from analytics won’t tell us why visitors don’t convert or how to fix that. But it will show where in your funnel you have the biggest drop-off. And that’s where we’ll focus our efforts in the audit.

To pinpoint problem areas, we look at the following:

Traffic data (landing pages, sources)
Funnel conversion rates
User flows
User session recordings
Heat maps (scroll, clicks, mouse)
Form Analytics
AI eye-tracking reports

Website Audit

The last step is to audit the problem area to determine the WHY behind the visitor's drop-off in the funnel.

The goal is to identify the problems that could create friction in conversions.

All the issues are documented and used as a foundation for the project scoping stage.

Conversion rate optimization expert checks the area against the common conversion blockers in areas like:

Handling customers' objections
Website structure/navigation
Social proof & risk reversal
Content and messaging
Information hirerachy
Product images
Visual design
Stage 2

Project scoping

Organize findings from the audit into the scope of work for the project that meets your business objectives and constraints.
During the audit stage, we uncover more problems than we can solve in 1 sprint. And to make the most out of the sprint, we need to prioritize problems that will give the highest ROI with the least cost.

We select the highest-impact problems and then document requirements for solutions.

These documents serve as a specification for the web designer, copywriter, and developer.

And for you to understand what you’ll get and what it will cost before committing to implementation.

Problems Prioritization

After an audit, you usually have more problems than we could solve during a single sprint.

But not all of them are equal in impact and cost.

For example, there is no point in spending time on a page with a 100% conversion rate or that doesn't receive any traffic.

So, we review problems and prioritize them based on the following:

How they help you to achieve your business goals/solve problems
What impact do they have compared to the cost of implementation

The highest impact changes that align with your goals are those that make it into the sprint's scope.

That's a collaborative process.

We will create a proposal for the project and share it with you. You and the stakeholders share your feedback. We implement your feedback, share the proposal again, and repeat the process until the scope of work is aligned with your goals & constraints.

Project Documentation

Once problems are prioritized, we organize them into projects.

A project can be a new page or a new section for an existing page. It is a tangible improvement to the website to solve concrete problems.

A single sprint consists of one or more projects.

In each project, we outline all the information required for the web copywriter, designer, and developer to execute it:

High-level page/section content outline
Deliverables required
List of the tasks

These docs also help you, and other stakeholders understand what you'll get as a result of the sprint.

Timeline & Costs Estimation

Before the start of the sprint, we estimate how long it will take to implement the projects and how much it will cost.

Based on the defined scope of work, we provide you with a fixed-price proposal for the implementation of the project.

You'll know exactly what you'll get and how much it will cost you before you commit to implementation.

Execution phase
It is a phase where we implement solutions outlined during the "Strategy" phase. Stages 3 - 5 repeat for every page/asset in the scope of work.
Stage 3

Web Copywriting

Get design-ready page copy that accurately communicates the intended message and reflects the true value proposition.
At this stage, we write clear and concise copy based on the requirements for the page and the goals you're trying to achieve with it.

Page copy will be a foundation for the design since it contains the essence of what you're trying to communicate.

Your website copy should reflect the product's value and communicate what your customers care about to convert visitors into customers.

For us to be able to communicate your value prop, we first need to get clear about what it is.

When you work with us for the first time, we take time to understand deeper your target customers, their pain points, and how your product solves them.

We'll analyze reviews, case studies, and sales call recordings and conduct internal interviews to understand what your customers care about.

Here's what information and content we're looking to collect in the process:

Target audience
Goals & problems of the target audience
Competitive advantages
Features of the product
Pricing model
Customer support
Social proof

We capture all the information into the product discovery document that serves as a single source of truth about the value prop for everyone involved in the project.

Page Structure

The first step is to create a high-level content outline for the page.

We document the structure with bullet points and screenshots for reference.

That lets us move fast and get your feedback early to avoid costly edits later.

Once the first drafts are ready, you receive them for review and feedback. We implement your feedback and repeat the cycle until the structure is approved.

Page Copywriting

Once the page structure is approved, we start putting flesh on the bones.

We write conversion-focused copy that is easy to read and communicates what customers care about.

The copy you get is optimized for the way how visitors read websites:

Has descriptive and outcome-focused headlines
Delivers the message in small and digestible chunks
Structured into easy-to-scan website patterns

Once the first drafts are ready, you get them for feedback, and we then implement the edits.

After you approve the page copy, we run it through professional native proofreaders.

Stage 4

Web Design

Turn the website copy into a development-ready design that is easy to scan, shows the product in action, and captures users' attention.
Your website visitors are busy, distracted, and aren't fans of reading long copies. They judge your product by the first impression they have of the website.

To get your message through, we turn copy into a page that is easy to scan, keeps their attention, and increases the perceived value of your product.

We're against changing the existing website's visual identity unless necessary to meet the business goals.

If that's the case for your project, we'll take time to define a visual direction for the website.

When creating a visual identity for the website, the primary outcomes we're aiming to achieve are:

Make a memorable 1st impression and stand out from the competition
Increase the perceived value of the product by making it look more professional
Catch the attention of the user to decrease the bounce rate and increase the scroll depth

We start with creating mood boards and getting your feedback on them.

Once we have a direction, we apply visual design to a few standard blocks like a hero, feature, etc. We create a few variations and select the best aligned with our goals.

Website visual identity will define the look and feel of the website:


Visual identity applies to the whole website. So, once you have it, you don't need to do it again in the next sprint.

Black-and-white Wireframes

We take the copywriting and transfer it into the Figma canvas.

The goal is to turn the copy into an easy-to-scan web page layout. A layout that keeps attention and draws it to the right content.

We work in black-and-white wireframes and don't apply visual identity at this stage.

This lets us iterate faster and focus on nailing the layout without getting bogged down by visual aspects.

Desktop Visual Design Mockups

Once the black-and-white desktop page version is approved, we apply the visual identity. Fonts, colors, shapes, and accents.

The page will already have a complete look and feel. We will share it with you for your feedback and iterate it until it is ready.

We still use placeholders instead of images and product mockups at this stage.

As a result, you get a complete desktop version of the page without product mockups.

Product Mockups

The next step is to replace placeholder images with product interface mockups.

Product interface mockups help show the product in action and make it easier for customers to understand how it works.

You get high-resolution simplified product interface mockups based on the user interface of your B2B SaaS Product.

We either use the Figma product designs you already have or create new ones based on the current live product interface.

We design product mockups so visitors can get an idea of how the product works, even if they don't read any copy.

Mobile Visual Design Mockups

The final step to complete the page design is to design a mobile version.

Once the desktop version of the page with the product mockups is ready, we translate it into a 375px wide frame.

Developers will have everything required to develop a responsive page that works great on desktop and mobile devices.

Stage 5

Web Development

Turn the Figma design into a live web page ready to receive traffic.
You don’t get any returns from the new design or copy until you get them live on the website. And they’re only as good as they’re developed.

At this stage, we take the development-ready design and develop it.

When your website platform doesn't meet business requirements, you can get help transferring it to a new platform before implementing a redesign.

We avoid migrations unless it is absolutely required.

And do it only in cases when it harms the business results:

Losing customers because of slow page load speed
Outdating because of difficulty in maintenance and edits
Hold back on your marketing initiatives because of slow development
Expensive development & maintenance

We take your current website and transfer it page by page to a new platform.

Website transfer is usually done parallel with Web Design & Copywriting stages to save time. So, by the time new designs are ready, you already have a website on the new platform.

Desktop & Mobile Development

We take the Figma designs and get them live on your website.

You get a version that meets the original design and works great on mobile and desktop devices.

Once page markup is ready, we add 3d party integrations.

And as the last touch, we implement animations if that's required.

Design Check & QA

Once the page is developed, the web designer goes over the developed website to spot any inconsistencies with the original design. Then we craft a corrections document for the developers.

Tracking phase
It is a phase where we track the solution's impact and gather data for the next cycle.
Stage 6

Performance tracking

Measure the impact of the new iteration and get data to identify new opportunities for improvement.
We help you set up analytics and a/b testing software on your website to get data on user behavior and measure the impact of changes we make.

Analytics provides you with feedback about what works and what doesn't. The data you get will help you identify problems and opportunities to address in the next iteration.

If you don't have analytics tools configured to run A/B tests and measure the impact of the changes, we'll help you to set them up.

We set up full-funnel tracking through google analytics events. You'll have the conversion data from the 1st visit to the purchase.

In most cases, the tools you'll need to configure are Google Analytics, Smartlook, and Google Optimize.

These tools will let you gather data like:

Funnel conversions
Session recordings
Heatmaps (scroll, mouse, click)
A/B test results

We set up a new experiment in google optimize or another tool of your choice and implement anything required on the website to execute the test.

If, as a result of the sprint, you need to change conversion events or add a new one, we will help you to do that.

A/B test results give data and insights about what works and doesn't. And serves as the foundation for the next iteration.

Repeat the cycle

The process doesn't end here. What has been outlined above is a single iteration. We repeat the process using the last step's data to identify the next highest priority problem and opportunity for improvement.


Ramp up your marketing with confidence that your SaaS website will do the selling